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2024-07-10: Deprecation of /rules/alerts endpoints

· One min read
David Coplowe
Product Owner, Client Experience

On July 10, 2024, we will deprecate the /rules/alerts endpoints following the release of our new webhooks service.

The following endpoints will be deprecated:

  • GET /rules/alerts
  • GET /rules/{ruleId}/alerts
  • GET /rules/alerts/{alertId}

You can access webhook event logs through our Portal, where you can also see more information about the event, retry failed webhooks, and more.

Navigate to Monitor > Webhooks > Events and select the Logs tab to view the event logs.

Action required

Review and update your application logic to remove any dependencies on the deprecated endpoints. This will help prevent any disruptions to your integration with Codat.

Expected impact if no action is taken

If no action is taken by the deprecation date, your application will fail when retrieving rules alerts programmatically. The deprecated endpoints will return Not found (404) status codes, preventing your application from functioning normally.